The Little Village
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Little Man's Vocabulary

Little Man doesn't just meow, he talks. He actually can come pretty close to forming words. Either that, or we spend way too much time together. I can listen to him talk and watch his body language and know what he wants 90% of the time (Notice I said what he wants).

I can be in a room singing and he won't say a word (which is good in my case). Then I can turn and talk to him and he'll open his eyes (because they're always closed when I'm singing, don't know why) .. and he'll talk to me. Words will actually be formed and he'll join in a conversation without actually wanting or needing anything first.

Below is some of his vocabulary and I'll add more as I decipher it.

rowwwr Feed me.
mrow Feed me now.
huph (said quickly) Don't touch that.
rahhrrr Oh yeah .. Touch that!
mrowwwwww? (in question form with inflection upwards at the end) What are you doing?
roh ruh I'm bored.
eh eh eh eh eh eh (said while jogging toward me) Here I come, pay attention to me!
rowr --- humph (while plopping over on side) My belly itches.
ROOOOWWWRRRR (outside the door) Let me in!
ROOOOOOWWWRRR (inside the door) Let me out!